

This is Angel my rescue baby she needs a forever home but she needs one last check up before she goes she has recently in the past few days broke out in what I believe to be doggy ache, nothing some antibiotic cant cure but shell be getting a full exam along with that to make sure she is in tip top shape.. Please Donate on the link below to help her with the vetting, no amount is to small ...Thank You And God Bless....

<embed allowScriptAccess="always" src="" flashVars="chipin_server=www%2Echipin%2Ecom" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="220" height="220"></embed>
OK I am new to setting up chip ins mine don't look as cool as others but this Chip in is for Duke he needs to be evaluated again on his back left leg to rule out that he don't have a torn acl this will cost right around $350 and give his new forever home where ever that may be much need piece of mind and knowledge about this great bully boy..